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Hoffman California – 1384-99 Cranberry – Smoothie Watercolor Batik Fabric
29.25 in stock
The actual fabric appears closest to the first two photos and is not nearly as dark as the last photo shows. This fabric has a strong tart red color that contains a pink undertone. The dark areas are near black and have deep purple/indigo shades in them.
Island Batik – IB 112336575 – Blue Marine Dot – Red, White and Blooms
11.5 in stock
The first and third photos are the manufacturers thumbnail images. The second photo is one that I took and is the best representation of the actual colors in this collection.
Island Batik – IB 112311590 – Blue Storm Round Flower Stems – Red, White and Blooms
10.75 in stock
The first and third photos are the manufacturers thumbnail images. The second photo is one that I took and is the best representation of the actual colors in this collection.
Island Batik – IB 112311375 – Red Cranberry Round Flower Stems – Red, White and Blooms
11 in stock
The first and third photos are the manufacturers thumbnail images. The second photo is one that I took and is the best representation of the actual colors in this collection.
Island Batik – IB Crimson – Ravishing Reds – Foundations Basics Watercolor
11.5 in stock
Price is per 1 yd quantity.
Island Batik – IB Daiquiri – Ravishing Reds – Foundations Basics Watercolor
13.5 in stock
Price is per 1 yd quantity.
Island Batik – IB Mahogany – Ravishing Reds – Foundations Basics Watercolor
13.5 in stock
Price is per 1 yd quantity.
Island Batik – IB Imperial – Ravishing Reds – Foundations Basics Watercolor
12 in stock
Price is per 1 yd quantity.
Island Batik – IB Salmon – Ravishing Reds – Foundations Basics Watercolor
5.5 in stock
The actual fabric looks like the first two photos (and the third) and does not look like the manufacturer’s (last) photo at all. This fabric has a lovely and vibrant coral, peachy-yellow and pink watercolor design that looks like a Creamsicle.
Complimentary fabrics include:
Island Batik – IB Cardinal – Ravishing Reds – Foundations Basics Watercolor
12.75 in stock
Price is per 1 yd quantity.
Island Batik – IB Shell – Ravishing Reds – Foundations Basics Watercolor
13.25 in stock
Price is per 1 yd quantity.
Island Batik – IB Tangelo – Ravishing Reds – Foundations Basics Watercolor
13.75 in stock
Price is per 1 yd quantity.
Island Batik – IB Tangy – Ravishing Reds – Foundations Basics Watercolor
11.25 in stock
Price is per 1 yd quantity.
Island Batik – IB Red Coral – Ravishing Reds – Foundations Basics Watercolor
13 in stock
Price is per 1 yd quantity.
Island Batik – IB Raisin – Ravishing Reds – Foundations Basics Watercolor
10.5 in stock
Price is per 1 yd quantity.
Island Batik – IB Buff – Ravishing Reds – Foundations Basics Watercolor
11 in stock
Price is per 1 yd quantity.
Island Batik – IB Conch – Ravishing Reds – Foundations Basics Watercolor
8 in stock
Price is per 1 yd quantity.
Island Batik – IB Paprika – Ravishing Reds – Foundations Basics Watercolor
11.75 in stock
Price is per 1 yd quantity.
Island Batik – IB 112328375 – Red Cranberry Butterfly – Blushing Garden
3 in stock
The first and third photos are the manufacturers thumbnail images. The second photo is one that I took and is the best representation of the actual colors in this collection.
There are variations in batik colors because they are hand-dyed. The actual fabric may look slightly different in color and fabrics are usually lighter/brighter in person than what appears on the computer screen. If you need further color assistance, please contact me directly. I’m happy to help.
Island Batik – IB Redwood – Ravishing Reds – Foundations Basics Watercolor
13.25 in stock
Price is per 1 yd quantity.
Island Batik – IB Burgundy – Ravishing Reds – Foundations Basics Watercolor
6.5 in stock
The actual fabric looks closest to the first two photos and is not as dark or as purple as the third photo shows. This fabric has a rich appearance to it because of the dark shadows and lighter highlights within the watercolor. It’s a lovely red color with a purple undertone.
**The last photo is one that I took comparing similar burgundy colors to one another.
Island Batik – IB Cranberry – Ravishing Reds – Foundations Basics Watercolor
10.25 in stock
Price is per 1 yd quantity.
Island Batik – IB Hyacinth – Playful Purples – Foundations Basics Watercolor
7.25 in stock
The first photo is the manufacturers thumbnail image and the second photo is one that I took of the entire Playful Purple collection. The actual fabrics appear closest in color to the second photo and should be considered as the most accurate photo. If you have any questions or need a color comparison, please feel free to contact me.
In person this fabric appears closest to the second photo. It is warmer in tone than the first photo shows. It’s slightly lighter than Batik Textiles 4205 and has a dusty appearance to it.
Island Batik – IB Eggplant – Playful Purples – Foundations Basics Watercolor
14.5 in stock
The first photo is the manufacturers thumbnail image and the second photo is one that I took of the entire Playful Purple collection. The actual fabrics appear closest in color to the second photo and should be considered as the most accurate photo. If you have any questions or need a color comparison, please feel free to contact me.
In person this fabric appears very close to both the first and second photos with the exception that it’s very slightly warmer in tone. It’s quite dark and is darker than Batik Textiles 4205 but not as dark as Hoffman Black Grape.
Island Batik – IB Regal – Playful Purples – Foundations Basics Watercolor
5.25 in stock
The first photo is the manufacturers thumbnail image and the second photo is one that I took of the entire Playful Purple collection. The actual fabrics appear closest in color to the second photo and should be considered as the most accurate photo. If you have any questions or need a color comparison, please feel free to contact me.
This fabric is a darker and more saturated version of IB Pansy and contains more purple in it than Pansy. This fabric appears very close to the second photo and does not look like the first photo (manufactures image). It has a rich medium-dark purple color and a rich mauve or plum-purple color in it – very pretty!.
Island Batik – IB Purple – Playful Purples – Foundations Basics Watercolor
9 in stock
The first photo is the manufacturers thumbnail image and the second photo is one that I took of the entire Playful Purple collection. The actual fabrics appear closest in color to the second photo and should be considered as the most accurate photo. If you have any questions or need a color comparison, please feel free to contact me.
In person this fabric appears very close to both the first and second photos. It’s not quite as saturated and is slightly lighter in person compared to the first photo. It’s a very rich medium-dark purple that doesn’t appear to be either cold or warm. Batik Textiles 4205 is very close to this fabric in color (4205 is slightly dusty looking compared to IB Purple).
Island Batik – IB Grape – Playful Purples – Foundations Basics Watercolor
9.75 in stock
The first photo is the manufacturers thumbnail image and the second photo is one that I took of the entire Playful Purple collection. The actual fabrics appear closest in color to the second photo and should be considered as the most accurate photo. If you have any questions or need a color comparison, please feel free to contact me.
The actual fabric appears very slightly lighter and very slightly warmer than the first photo shows. It’s not as warm appearing as the second photo shows.
Island Batik – IB 5″ Fabric Stamp – Ravishing Red – Foundations Basics
4 in stock
5” squares
42 pieces
20 shades -
Island Batik – IB 10″ Fabric Stack ST – Ravishing Red – Foundations Basics
2 in stock
10” squares
42 pieces
20 shades -
Island Batik – IB Violet – Playful Purples – Foundations Basics Watercolor
6.5 in stock
The first photo is the manufacturers thumbnail image and the second photo is one that I took of the entire Playful Purple collection. The actual fabrics appear closest in color to the second photo and should be considered as the most accurate photo. If you have any questions or need a color comparison, please feel free to contact me.
The actual fabric is not as blue-gray as the first photo shows. It has a warmer color palette with a medium-light dusty purple that has areas of colder grape purple and medium dusty mauve in it.
Island Batik – IB Urchin – Playful Purples – Foundations Basics Watercolor
18.5 in stock
The first photo is the manufacturers thumbnail image and the second photo is one that I took of the entire Playful Purple collection. The actual fabrics appear closest in color to the second photo and should be considered as the most accurate photo. If you have any questions or need a color comparison, please feel free to contact me.
This fabric is warmer and brighter in person than what the first photo shows. It matches the second photo well.
Island Batik – IB Pansy – Playful Purples – Foundations Basics Watercolor
19.25 in stock
The first photo is the manufacturers thumbnail image and the second photo is one that I took of the entire Playful Purple collection. The actual fabrics appear closest in color to the second photo and should be considered as the most accurate photo. If you have any questions or need a color comparison, please feel free to contact me.
The actual fabric appears warmer and lighter in person than what the first photo shows. It’s very close to the second photo.
Island Batik – IB 2.5″ Strip Pack SP – Ravishing Red – Foundations Basics
5 in stock
2.5” strips
40 pieces
20 shades -
Island Batik – IB 121809345 – Punch Check – Check It Out
2.25 in stock
The first two photos are ones that I took and the third photo is the manufacturers thumbnail image. The second photo is the view looking at the fabric as wrapped on the bolt and not WOF. There are variations in the batik colors because they are hand dyed. I have matched the colors as closely as possible to m computer screen, but they may vary slightly from what you see on your screen. If you’re unsure about the true color, please contact me directly. I’m happy to help.
This fabric is a lovely crimson red tonal color that is close to a true red color. It is not a magenta pink as the third photo (manufacturers image) shows. The red color is not bright, but it is strong.
Island Batik – IB 122030380 – Cardinal Check – Holly Holiday
2.25 in stock
The first photo is the manufacturers thumbnail image. The second photo is one that I took and is the best representation of the actual colors in this collection. Fabrics typically run lighter (but not always) in person than they appear on my computer screen – see third photo.
Island Batik – IB 122030365 – Paprika Check – Holly Holiday
2.75 in stock
The first photo is the manufacturers thumbnail image. The second photo is one that I took and is the best representation of the actual colors in this collection. Fabrics typically run lighter (but not always) in person than they appear on my computer screen – see third photo.
Island Batik – IB 122006871 – Watercress Wheat Aries Field – Lavender Fields
8.25 in stock
The first photo is the manufacturers thumbnail image. The second photo is one that I took and is the best representation of the actual colors in this collection. Fabrics typically run lighter (but not always) in person than they appear on my computer screen (third photo) using the manufacturers thumbnail image.
In person, the fabric background appears very dark and almost black in some areas. It’s also slightly warmer colored and not as cold as the first photo appears. The two colors of turquoise on top are less turquoise in person. They are more of an indigo/periwinkle blue color with a dry appearance. See second photo, 4th from left.
Island Batik – IB 122021202 – Dreamsicle Wheat – Farm Fresh
0.5 in stock
There are variations in batik colors because they are hand-dyed. The actual fabric may look slightly different in color and fabrics are usually lighter/brighter in person than what appears on the computer screen. If you would like further color assistance, … Read More
Island Batik – IB 122006855 – Cool Waters Wheat Aries Field – Lavender Fields
4 in stock
The first photo is the manufacturers thumbnail image. The second photo is one that I took and is the best representation of the actual colors in this collection. Fabrics typically run lighter (but not always) in person than they appear on my computer screen (third photo) using the manufacturers thumbnail image.
In person, this fabric appears pretty close in color to the first photo. See second photo, 2th from left for a good color portrayal of this fabric. The background is such a dark navy blue that it appears black in some areas. The wheat is colors in a strong dark indigo blue and purple.