Showing all 6 results
Island Batik – IB 112005651 – Chartreuse Fern – Ohana
6.75 in stock
Price is per 1 yd quantity.
Island Batik – IB 112001523 – Surf Philodendron – Ohana
0.5 in stock
Price is per 1 yd quantity.
Island Batik – IB 112005532 – Royal Blue Fern – Ohana
3.75 in stock
The actual fabric appears closest to the first two photos and is not as light/drab as the last photo shows. The is a very rich royal blue color!
Island Batik – IB 112001515 – Chambray Philodendron – Ohana
17.5 in stock
Price is per 1 yd quantity.
Island Batik – IB 112009872 – Jungle Water Vine – Ohana
5.25 in stock
The first two photos are ones that I took and the third photo is the manufacturers thumbnail image. This is a reference to show the variations in the batik colors. The second photo is the view looking at the fabric as wrapped on the bolt and not WOF. If you’re unsure about the true color, please contact me directly. I’m happy to help.
The actual fabric looks closest to the first two photos and is not as dark or as saturated as the third photo. The fabric is a lighter, although brightly colored fabric with lime and mint greens (that have a yellow undertone), turquoise blue, magenta and bubblegum pinks, and tinges of fuchsia behind a blueberry vine design.