
Special Edition Alaska Fabrics

These custom designed Bali Chops are rare treasures that you can normally only find when visiting the beautiful wilderness of Alaska. This is a limited run and when they’re gone, they’re gone. 

The first two photos are ones that I took and the third photo is the manufacturers thumbnail image. This is a reference to show the variations in the batik colors. The second photo is the view looking at the fabric as wrapped on the bolt and not WOF. If you’re unsure about the true color, please contact me directly. I’m happy to help.

The actual fabric looks closest to the first two photos and is not as dark as the third photo. The background is a beautiful mix of warm and cold purples, cobalt blues, and mostly warm teal greens. The fish design is namely a deep midnight blue color with hints of medium and light blue at times. 

Fabric sold will be a single continuous cut off the bolt.


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